Friday, November 29, 2013

Returning to Arizona brings a special treat to the eye: skies that fire up almost every evening!

Skies heating up

The beginning fire

Full burn

Fading to pink
Thursday, September 12, 2013

This has been a great summer... I decided this was a year to "ExploreOregon". East, west, city, country, mountains, valleys - what an awesome & varied place to drag my camera. Here is a peek at the places I visited.

Location of my brain this summer

Observing from the rocks


Alligator log

High sun
Thursday, May 30, 2013

I set out on a journey back to Oregon and my camera naturally followed me. I loved the rocks and hills of Utah, but fell in love all over again with the beautiful spring green of Oregon in May. Rain continued to "green up" the woods and that was just fine with me!

Been here a while

Fern forest

On the way up...

Very "vetching"

Emerging green

Rockin' country

Red rock swirls
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Do I have a favorite place to go for pictures? Well, let's see... any place inside, outside, in the green, in the desert. These are from Oregon... maybe in the top 2 places in my heart. I am returning very shortly to Oregon so stay tuned for more.

Magnifying drops

Sit a spell...


Fringe cups

Purple streaks
Thursday, February 14, 2013
  I had the privilege of shooting on someone's property out in the desert of western Arizona. The owner is a collector - antiques and well-used tools and farm inplements. His daughter laughed at me and called it "junk." I guess that's where my eye sees things differently. When I am behind the camera or when I am without my camera .... I still see the world out there as art. Click, click, click


Tired or wired?

Back in the day...


Desert deserted
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fall brings me back to the desert and on a recent ride through the Sonoran Desert National Park area, I found a cactus that got better and better as I got closer. So I tried taking picture of details till I was near enough to get poked by the spines on this grandaddy of the local saguaros. Taking many, many pictures of a subject can help you find the best it has to offer.

Sonoran beauties

Cactus grandaddy

Desert seahorse

Living & dying